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Lotto Max and Lotto 649 tickets are pictured in this file photo taken on Oct. 27, 2015 in Toronto. Photo by Dave Abel /Postmedia Network
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If you are considering purchasing tickets for the next Lotto Max or Lotto 649 draw — or Lottario, Daily Grand or Ontario 49, for that matter — you may want to hold off.
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Celebrity psychic and astrologer Inbaal Honigman spoke with the folks at about what days are lucky — and unlucky — for lottery players, based on astrology.
Honigman shared her insight for those looking to improve their odds.
It appears Friday and Saturday are days to avoid.
While Friday is “a lucky day for romance, emotions and home” — so think things like engagements and home renovations — Honigman advised that it’s a day to avoid buying a lottery ticket.
“This is because Venus is the planet that rules Friday, which is aligned with stability, not unexpected riches.”
She added that Saturday is also unlucky.
“The day of Saturday is known as Karma day, because Saturday is the planet of Karma,” she explained.
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“Karma and the lottery should never be mixed, as it means you’ll win only if you deserve to win, but not if you’ve done wrong.”
Honigman added: “Saturn is also a slow planet, not associated with quick gains, and is therefore wholly unsuitable for playing the lottery.”
As for an all-encompassing day, baby Friday is where it’s at.
“The luckiest day of the week to play the lottery is Thursday,” she said, noting that it’s the day of the week of the planet of Jupiter — a.k.a. the planet of luck.
“It is seen as a jolly planet of growth, expansion and wealth.”
“Sunday is also a lucky day for purchasing a lotto ticket because it is ruled by the Sun,” Honigman noted, connecting the day with “luck, success, positivity and abundance.”
The best time of day to buy is “sunrise,” if you can find a store that’s open.
“It is the time of beginnings, when the day starts to wake up,” Honigman said.
“The Sun is a lucky element in the sky, and is the giver of life.”
As for signs, this year’s luckiest sign is Sagittarius, so 2025 could be their year for a win.
Happy ticket-buying!
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