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Ontario LIberal Leader Bonnie Crombie speaks to reporters outside of Montfort Hospital in Ottawa, Ont. on Sunday, Feb. 2 2025. Photo by Bryan Passifiume /Postmedia Network
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OTTAWA — Where’s the plan?
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That was the message Sunday from Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie, who spoke during a frigid campaign stop outside an Ottawa hospital.
“He knew this tariff threat was coming, he knew 500,000 jobs were at risk, he’s failed to diversify our economy, he’s failed to bring stimulus into the province, he’s failed to bring investment into this province, that would set us up for growth and to create jobs,” Crombie said.
“Where’s the plan? He’s going to remove American brands off the shelves of the LCBO. Fine, great, I’d support that — but where’s the rest of the plan?”
As Canada begins figuring out a way to deal with President Donald Trump’s trade war, federal and provincial leaders have started outlining measures designed to retaliate against the tariffs, while also minimizing the impact to our economy.
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Crombie said Ford cares more about securing another mandate than putting provincial resources into combating the tariffs, adding Ontarians need more information on provincial economic stimulus for industry and job protection measures.
“People are afraid, people are angry,” she said.
“Right now they’re struggling, they’re worried about paying rent and putting food on their table today — and now they’re worried about losing their jobs.”
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While Crombie accused Ford of abandoning his office to call a provincial election, she ducked questions on whether Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was equally irresponsible for proroguing Parliament ahead of the tariff threats.
Crombie said she supports retaliating against the U.S. tariffs, insisting that Ontario needs to strengthen its position.
“Removing American-made alcohol and American-made products from the LCBO is just step one. Where is the plan to insulate our economy,” she said.
“Why isn’t Doug Ford at his desk working today? Why is he roaming around the province calling an early election that’s unnecessary?”
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